Puerto Rico Community Providers Network
Provided by Sociants
When an individual feels overwhelmed by life's circumstances, they stop seeking the help necessary to move forward, allowing their health to decline. When you don't have transportation, you stop attending your appointments. When you lack company, your mental health problems such as depression increase. When you stop eating well, it impacts your entire well-being and increases your health problems.

Being able to identify vulnerable individuals in the community and provide them with the social assistance they need would help resolve the social determinants that affect them immediately, accurately and safely. We would have a better quality of life for all our citizens.
We created a solution to achieve fast, accurate and secure collaboration between Community Providers and be able to assist the needs of individuals, families, or vulnerable communities throughout Puerto Rico… < span style="color: #10a871;">ReferHelp.com
People with different and multiple needs can now be identified, monitored and referred for social assistance by Community Providers in all municipalities of Puerto Rico. Information shared in real time allows us to identify the social determinants of health that affect the well-being of vulnerable individuals, the efficiency of care through coordinated referrals, and the impact that prevention and social resilience programs have on our communities.
Through ReferAyuda.com we can remedy the gaps that exist in Puerto Rico regarding the provision of essential services in society, and in this way we can assist the agencies of government and social assistance organizations, in a way that provides visibility, credibility and transparency.
Social Assistance Referrals
Matching and referring an individual, family, or community with the appropriate resources is important, but to mitigate a social risk, we have to understand the social determinants that have an impact direct with well-being.

ReriendoAyuda.com provides the space to expedite social assistance to vulnerable individuals through referrals between Community Providers and social service agencies to citizens in less time through exchange safe and collaborative. By eliminating paper, hand tabulation, and duplicate reporting, they dramatically improve assistance delivery time averages.
Coordination tools can help multiply social assistance referrals among Community Providers by 9 times and collectively solve 90% of all social determinants of health (SDoH) identified in a community.
Through the platform it is certified that the help was provided to all those concerned visibility, transparency and credibility to the process. Real-time information helps achieve sustainability of available resources by meeting the needs of individuals affected by their social circumstances.
ReriendoAyuda.com provides the ability to create prevention programs for vulnerable people such as the elderly and disabled, ensuring families receive timely access to comprehensive community support. Community Providers and organizations share minimal individual data securely, protecting their information and allocating resources to meet their needs.

Through ReriendoAyuda.com, a Community Provider can have 24x7x365 visibility of the most recent progress of the referrals until they can confirm and document the attendance. Once registered in ReferAyuda.com, social workers will be able to conduct surveys and identify needs, take notes, attach documents for each case created on the platform, facilitating the coordination of referrals between Community Providers throughout Puerto Rico.
Community Provider Network
Community leaders
Nonprofit Organizations
Non-governmental organizations
Private entities that offer social services
Government agencies
Municipal Citizen Service Offices
Associations of chronic conditions

Partners: Platform for the Coordination of Social Referrals
Sociants is a digital platform, 100% developed in Puerto Rico, that through thematic surveys identifies and makes visible the social determinants that affect the well-being of the individual, and facilitates the coordination of assistance through social referrals between Community Providers who have the resources and experience to be able to assist as quickly as possible.
Facilitating the collaboration of social referrals.
Security and privacy of individual information between organizations and Community Providers.
Provides a Directory of Community Providers with over 950 participating organizations.
Identify the resources, services and supplies available by Community Providers in real time.
Maintains a digital file to track the individual's identified needs and the progress of each case.
It facilitates the capture and analysis of data through digital surveys that also identify the individual's needs that must be addressed.
Provides data on the social impact of your social referrals and assistance between participating Community Providers from the same network.
Measure the performance of your team and social workers with effectiveness and data.
Provides real-time visibility of individuals in need and available resources using interactive maps.
Document each social assistance transaction to certify transparency and credibility.
It's free for Community Providers.