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Indicators of the Essential Humanitarian Standard

Writer's picture: Javier TorresJavier Torres

The Core Humanitarian Standard Guidance Notes and Indicators complement the Core Humanitarian Standard on quality and accountability (CHS).

Directed to all humanitarian actors and organizations involved in the planning, management or implementation of a humanitarian response, this document

provides clarification on the Key Actions and Organizational Responsibilities set out in the Core Humanitarian Standard and examines some of the practical challenges that may arise in its application.

Explains why each of the Nine Commitments of the Core Humanitarian Standard is important and provides indicators and guiding questions to promote measurement of progress towards meeting the standard and drive continuous improvement and learning.

The guide provides clarification on the Key Actions and Organizational Responsibilities set out in the CHS and examines some of the practical challenges that may arise in their application. Explain why each of the Nine Commitments is

important and offers some examples for different audiences and different contexts. However, it does not offer an in-depth explanation of how to respond to humanitarian emergencies, but rather provides a detailed list of guidelines on how to fulfill each Commitment.

While each Commitment focuses on a particular area of humanitarian action, there is a necessary degree of overlap that integrates the Commitments into a coherent whole. For example, the importance of communication with communities and people affected by humanitarian crises and supporting staff management appear throughout the Nine Commitments. The prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse, as well as the importance of transparency, are also relevant to several of the Commitments.

The CHS promotes fundamental human rights and is based on the right to live with dignity and the right to protection and security, as provided

in international law. Recognizes that the participation of people affected by humanitarian crises is the cornerstone of an effective humanitarian response.

Published by:

CHS Alliance

Sphere Project

URD Group


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