Community workers commonly face high workloads in their assigned communities, scarcity of resources, and lack of efficient coordination between their teams and external community providers. . In this article, we will explore 3 ways in which Sociants seeks to address these issues to improve the performance of community workers in their work.

Digital Case Profiles: Simplifying Documentation
Case documentation is a task that usually absorbs a considerable part of community workers' time. By opting for digitalization through digital profiles, Sociants has transformed this work from being manual and time-consuming to an agile and efficient practice.
In these profiles, users can document sociodemographic data in detail, take notes in real time, run surveys efficiently, obtain digital consents, upload relevant documents and, Crucially, identify the social determinants that need to be addressed and complete your required activities of your social programs. Additionally, to simplify tracking and accountability, the platform records the activity history of each case, providing a complete view of preventive care efforts.

Efficient Referral Management System: Facilitating Collective Efforts
In critical moments of community work, collaboration with external suppliers becomes essential. Sociants, through its digital referral management system, simplifies the process for registered organizations to refer each other. This approach not only strengthens connections in the community network, but also provides a less disruptive support service to communities. Additionally, with the extensive community support networks available on the platform, you will have a greater likelihood of executing a referral to a provider who can address the specific needs you are seeking to address.

Impact Measurement: Informed and Sustainable Decisions
Data-driven decision making is essential for effective community work. Sociants offers a comprehensive impact measurement tool that provides detailed metrics on referrals made, types of services offered, needs identified, risk stratification, prioritization, and statistics of most prominent social conditions in the community.< /span>
These metrics allow community workers to evaluate the real impact of their interventions, identify patterns of social behavior, and adjust strategies as necessary. By making informed decisions, professionals can ensure that their efforts are aligned with the real needs of the community, thus creating long-term sustainable impact.
Collaborating with the Health Trust
Public of Puerto Rico in community work
The Puerto Rico Public Health Trust (PRPHT) is an organization attached to the Puerto Rico Science, Technology and Research Trust. This was designated as the Puerto Rico Public Health Institute with the purpose of promoting the practice of public health, making systematic improvements in the health of the population, increasing access to health programs, promoting developments that impact results in the health and reduce inequalities in the communities of Puerto Rico.
To manage their cases, they have adopted the use of our Sociants platform. In this they will carry out the effective coordination of services through their community liaison program. This program has digital literacy projects aimed at older adults, talks and educational support, and management of referrals by community health promoters, through community organizations or agencies, and participation in community outreach activities.
We are very happy to be part of this project for the benefit of the most vulnerable communities in Puerto Rico and we hope that the tools of our platform will serve you when executing their work to support communities.
